Suicide Care


Simone Dayer (WA)

Simone has more than 20 years’ experience in the community sector in both direct clinical and community development roles. She currently works as a Counsellor in the area of metal health and addictions and as a trainer. Simone became an ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Training) Trainer in 1998 while working in the Northern Territory. Since then, she has delivered ASIST workshops in a broad variety of settings across urban and rural Australia and internationally.

In her role as Training Instructor Simone also delivers both safeTALK workshops and safeTALK T4T’s (Training for Trainers) as well as suicideTALK – a 1 to 2 hour program that raises awareness and provides information about suicide.

In her roles as Team Leader, Trainer Coach and Quality Assurance Reader, Simone runs ASIST T4T’s for LivingWorks Inc, mentors others in their roles as ASIST trainers and provides ongoing support to the worldwide trainer network.

She is passionate about supporting communities to become suicide safer.