Lindy Macgregor

With qualifications in education and psychology, Lindy has experience across both the corporate and community services sectors, working firstly in Human Resource Management, then Community Welfare, followed by 12 years as the CEO of a large and busy crisis centre in Sydney. It was during her time in this last role that Lindy developed her passion for educating communities to raise awareness about suicide.
For the past 18 years Lindy has been presenting ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshops to groups and organisations, large and small, working extensively around Australia, New Zealand and North America and throughout the Asia Pacific region.
As a Senior Team Leader and Trainer Coach for LivingWorks International, Lindy runs T4T’s (training for Trainers) in both ASIST and safeTALK and provides mentoring and support to other ASIST trainers in the worldwide trainer network. She is a member of the international Quality Assurance team and sits on the LivingWorks International ASIST Committee that meets regularly in Denver.